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Multiclass evaluation metrics

Machine Learning Medium Seen in real interview

How can we evaluate multiclass classification problems?

There are typically two approaches to solve multi-class problems:

  • One vs. all (OVA): choose the more confident (predicted class is the one with the higher probability)
  • One vs. one (OVO): predicted class is defined through majority voting

We can evaluate such classifiers with:

  • Confusion matrix (more visual, harder to quantify)
  • Averaged (see below) Precision, recall, F1, AUC (easier to quantify)
  • Cohen Kappa score
  • Matthew’s correlation coefficient
  • Log loss

In addition, depending on the type of problem, we can use accuracy at top n, or other ranking metrics.

Averaging techniques when we do OVA (or OVO):

  • macro: arithmetic mean of all metrics across classes. (In OVO: average of all possible pairwise combinations of classes)

  • weighted: accounts for class imbalance and estimates the weighted average (fewer instances less impact on the averaged score)

  • micro: this is the same as accuracy. Micro-averaging is found by dividing the sum of the diagonal cells of the matrix by the sum of all the cells — i.e., accuracy (rarely used).

Trees and Naive Bayes naturally extend to multiclass problems. The same applies through softmax for logit and neural nets.


Multiclass, Diagnostics
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