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Choose a project

Technical deep dive Hard Seen in real interview

The deep dive interview session typically starts with you presenting a project you have worked on. What kind of project should you choose?

Make sure you choose a project that:

  • You had a leadership role (i.e., you came up with the idea, you persuaded (aligned with) managers and directors that it was worth perusing, and then you led a team to implement it).
  • It had a significant impact that ideally can be measured in $ (e.g., revenue increase, cost decrease, etc.)
  • For Staff+ roles, the project needs to have significant XFN involvement. One of the characteristics that interviewers are looking for is your ability to align diverse stakeholders on projects that affect multiple teams and functions.

Without lying, make sure you emphasize that you led the team, you aligned with XFNs, you came up with ideas, etc. You can be humble in every other interview session but this and the behavioral interview session.


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