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Histogram of songs

SQL Hard

Assume the following schema:

Assume that we want to generate the raw data for creating a histogram of the number of songs per genre. To be specific, we are looking for the following output:

n freq
1 51
2 1
3 1
4 0
5 0

You can read the above as follows:

  • There are 51 music genres that have 1 song
  • There is 1 music genre that has 2 songs
  • There is 1 music genre that has 3 songs
  • There are zero music genres that have 4 songs
  • etc.

Limit your response to five rows.

We will use a recursive CTE to generate all the numbers between the minimum number of songs per genre and the max. Then, we can left join and count to get the result:

WITH recursive songs_per_genre AS
SELECT genre, COUNT(DISTINCT trackid) as songs 
FROM songs
WHERE genre != '-1'
GROUP BY genre
), freq_table as
  SELECT (SELECT MIN(songs) FROM songs_per_genre) AS n
  SELECT n+1 FROM freq_table WHERE n <  (SELECT MAX(songs) FROM songs_per_genre)
SELECT n, COUNT(songs) as freq
FROM freq_table LEFT JOIN songs_per_genre
ON n=songs
n freq
1 51
2 1
3 1
4 0
5 0


Recursive CTE, Join
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