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Songs that stay in the chars for a while

SQL Medium

Assume the following schema:

Return all the songs that have durationInCharts greater than the all the durationInCharts of songs of genre Breaks. Order the results by their durationInCharts in decreasing order. Your result should look like the following:

trackId durationInCharts
6166032 407
6706800 397
5971424 362
5954022 326
6329956 313
One way to do this is to use the keyword ALL and a subquery:

SELECT  trackId,durationInCharts
FROM charts
WHERE durationInCharts > ALL
(SELECT durationInCharts FROM charts c
INNER JOIN songs s ON s.trackid = c.trackid WHERE genre = 'Breaks')
ORDER BY durationInCharts DESC
trackId durationInCharts
6166032 407
6706800 397
5971424 362
5954022 326
6329956 313

Of course, we can also use a subquery along with max():

SELECT  trackId,durationInCharts
FROM charts
WHERE durationInCharts > (SELECT max(durationInCharts) FROM charts c
INNER JOIN songs s ON s.trackid = c.trackid WHERE genre = 'Breaks')
ORDER BY durationInCharts DESC
trackId durationInCharts
6166032 407
6706800 397
5971424 362
5954022 326
6329956 313

If we wanted to do this with CTEs and window functions, one way would have been the following:

WITH max_breaks as 
SELECT c.trackId, max(IF(genre= 'Breaks',durationInCharts,NULL)) OVER() as max_breaks
FROM charts c INNER JOIN songs s ON c.trackId = s.trackid
SELECT  c.trackId,durationInCharts
FROM charts c 
INNER JOIN max_breaks m ON m.trackid = c.trackid AND durationInCharts > max_breaks
ORDER BY durationInCharts DESC
trackId durationInCharts
6166032 407
6706800 397
5971424 362
5954022 326
6329956 313

Subquery, CTE, Join, ALL, Window functions
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